Oliver Schulz

Olli discovered his passion for endurance
sportsduring his sports studies. And with
extraordinary commitment, he has already
many a hurdle.

HYCYS now has its own Olli Schulz. Unlike his namesake, however, our Olli Schulz has nothing to do with singing, songwriting and Jan Böhmermann, at least professionally. Luckily for us. Because with Olli, our Hamburg laboratory has a capable bike fitter. He was already active in sport as a child, trying out soccer as well as handball, ice hockey, acrobatics and gymnastics.

Olli discovered his interest in endurance sports during his Bachelor’s degree in “Sport and Performance” at the Cologne Sports University, which he followed up with a Master’s degree in Münster. Until he overcame his own personal “swimming hurdle” and entered the triathlon, Olli ran half marathons. And makes sure that our athletes sit pain-free and aerodynamically on their bikes.

Oliver – in brief

Team member since: 2023

To be found in: Hamburg

Focus: BikeFitting expert

You have questions about our services or you are looking for a bikefit in Hamburg? Then Oliver is your partner.

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